How I created an actual site in one day for free

4 min readMar 7, 2021


In the last days I had a few more spare time and decided I could create a site for my own.

HTML sample. Source:

It all started from the idea that it is a bit hard as a simple citizen in my country to see if there is still emergency state or not so I decided to create a site containing this specific information.

Looking on the internet for different hosting solutions and Firebase Pricing ( caught my attention allowing static content to be hosted for free with small usage limits. I am only a backend developer so I had no fronted experience so it was easy for me just to create a simple static site. Since the subject of my site is not that hot, I was not worried at all about the hosting limits imposed by the firebase free plan. So I started from here.

  1. I decided about a hosting method that allowed me to have a site up within minutes of configuration.
    Actually this may have taken me about an hour, because I had no prior experience to firebase, but the tool is easy to use for deploying a simple site, and the instructions helped a lot.
  2. I chose the type of the site I wanted to create — a static one.
    In order to have a product as quick as possible, getting knowledge about the frontend side of software development and stick to a free pricing plan, I decided to have a very simple site, at least at first. So I went for a static site, which is only made up of static content like HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  3. I looked for the way to achieve a cool appearance of the site with a minimum requirement of knowledge and time/effort.
    In order to achieve this, I went to get bootstrap and designed my site based on one of their examples. Deciding to go for one of the bootstrap examples was the best choice for me because I wanted a fine looking background as a starting point. And using their examples is very easy, without needing a lot of changes.
    To give you an example, it took me more to find bootstrap and their examples as a starting point, as I first looked at a lot of designing tools, rather than make the site looking the way I wanted.
  4. Bonus: I bought a domain, so it would feel more personal
    Firebase provides you with a URL that looks mainly the way you would want your domain to look like, but it also has that confusing extension at the end like your-cool-domain-{random-numbers-and-letters} and it does not seems like a trustful site at all. So I went for my own domain.
    The easy part was buying a domain from a domain provider. It was harder for me to realize that the domain providers sometimes do not offer DNS hosting, so I had to go and chose a DNS hosting provider. For me CloulDNS did the job, it was pretty easy to use and it met my main criterion: it was free. Then I could add nameservers and the A records that Google needs to verify the ownership of the domain. Getting knowledge of this was maybe the most difficult part, but I enjoyed it and the result of my work.

The result

If you want to see what I achieved after about a day of work and it was quite a lot of work at least for me, you can go to where you can read if Romania is still in the state of emergency/alert or not, and for how long it is staying that way.

In the end, if you want to visit Romania, you will need a Covid-19 negative test as we are still in state of alert (haven’t you checked the site? :) but there are a lot of amazing things to see so it’s really worth it. Below, for your delight only, there is a picture from one of our most popular roads. Enjoy!

Transfagarasan, Romania. Source:

Feel free to give any feedback on the article or the site as well and ask me any questions that cross your mind regarding the approach that I followed building the site.

Thank you!




Written by AV

help me and this world by promoting peace -

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